
Personal Possession of Firearms in America

God has seen fit to bless my little part of Texas with rain today. Naturally, I'm having a hard time finding things to do. Work, naturally; but I work online. It's easy to get distracted.
As of ten minutes ago I found myself sitting at the kitchen counter, pecking away at tiny little laptop keys while my eyes burn and my brain fries from toxic sting of the peppers my mother is broiling. It's gonna be one heckuva afternoon, I can tell that already.

So as a way to pass time, I stick one earbud in and search the net for interesting (hopefully), educational (yeah right) videos to listen to while I write.
My wandering fingers found an interesting video called "Firearms and the Zombie Apocalypse" by Adam Alasdair, a historian whose blog I have been checking into a few times recently.
While I don't personally believe we will have a zombie apocalypse, it is an intriguing topic to me at this current time.

In this video, Alasdair mentions that for people in some foreign countries (meaning, not the U.S.A.) firearms might be difficult to come across sometimes; whereas the U.S. is a "mecca for personal firearms". That got me to thinking--as many things usually do, thinking doesn't seem to be quite as dangerous for me as it is for some people--how truly horrible it would be to live in a country that didn't allow the personal possession of firearms.

Now, I realize that the purchase of particular firearms has recently been made very difficult, and the powers that be would rather we didn't have any at all--but for now, the Amendments are still in place--and as of this moment, it is still possible for American citizens to defend themselves. 

Just another reason why I thank God He's still blessing America.



Popular Prayer Devotionals

It may seem strange that I'm writing about something like "popular prayer devotionals". As a matter of fact, I've been doing a lot of strange writing as of late--but this newest trend of awesome inspirational prayer devotionals is the most important to me, as I am trying to learn how to effectively and fervently pray.
James 5:16b says that the "effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much". Now there's no saying I'm a righteous [wo]man, but I'd like to get closer to the point. Christians are supposed to aspire to be like Christ (hence the title "Christian") and one way of doing that is by learning to pray like Jesus did. Matthew 6:9, in this manner, therefore, pray...

Yup. Prayer. The thing that most people use their inability to do so as an excuse to not talk to God--but personally, I'm getting tired of talking to God and feeling like I'm not getting results--hence, I am researching the best awesome inspirational prayer devotionals.

You can read all about my best devotional prayer books list here: